The research team led by Eveline Peeters performs research in the fields of molecular and synthetic microbiology, focusing on a variety of microorganisms -bacteria, archaea and fungi- with a special interest in extremophiles. Interdisciplinary research approaches are used, including genetic, genomic and biochemical methodologies. Fundamental research, focused on a molecular-level understanding of gene regulatory processes, goes hand in hand with application-driven research, in which microorganisms are engineered for the performant biobased production of chemicals and materials.
We have a longstanding expertise in the study of archaea, with a focus on thermoacidophilic Crenarchaeota, which are found in terrestrial volcanic hot springs, and on extreme halophiles. Fundamental research aims to unravel mechanisms of gene regulation (transcriptional and post-transcriptional) in response to changing environmental conditions, with a special focus on unraveling the function of transcription factors. In parallel, we are developing synthetic-biology toolboxes that will enable to engineer extremophilic archaea as next-generation industrial biotechnology hosts.
More information: Eveline Peeters

Culture of the extreme halophile Haloferax mediterranei

Solfataric hot spring in Yellowstone National Park, the natural habitat of thermoacidophilic Crenarchaeota