Yang Zhang
I worked on soil microbiology on my master degree in Institute of Urban environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, People’s Republic of China. My master study focus on Sorghum capacity to release biological nitrification inhibitors (BNIs). I love plant and I learn a lot from master degree. So I want to keep study on PhD degree. I am so lucky that Prof. Joske Ruytinx reply my email. Thanks to her giving me this chance. And when I got Chinese scholarship, I was so exciting that I would go to the Vrije Universiteit Brussel for PhD in Bio-engineering Sciences major, also thanks to the support of Chinese government.
My PhD project will explore the potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to impact on rice production and grain Zn content, both in Zn deficient and polluted soils. Global change and environmental crisis due to industrialization or over-exploitation impact on the production and grain quality of this crop. my research will produce novel insights into the mechanisms AM fungi use to adapt to nutrient stress and to establish a mutual beneficial relationship with their host plant.
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1050 Brussels